A relaxing and rejuvenating form of passive yoga, Tai Chi and Eastern massage techniques combined.Ĭlients are taken through a full range of motion resulting in an increased sense of well-being and stress relief while stimulating the detoxification process by balancing meridians. Mild, firm or strong touch techniques are applied to create a powerful, singular, healing experience. Slow and rhythmic, each posture flows easily into the next. Thai RMT Massage in Toronto is a very individual experience in the hands of a skilled practitioner, each session is individually customized and tailored to meet specific client needs, ranging from relaxing, passive, slow palm massage for stress reduction, to an energetic, deep work massage using elbows and knees to apply stronger presses accompanied by stretching, tractions, and twists. The RMT Registered Thai Massage is performed on comfortable floor mats wearing loose yet comfortable clothing that allows for movement. Thai Massage is an ancient and dynamic bodywork therapy in which the practitioner skillfully places the client into a series of yoga-like postures and stretches while applying compression techniques by palm, thumb, and elbow or foot pressure linked through slow and mindful movement.